Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance

Here are 3 simple shifts you can make to move from SCARCITY to ABUNDANCE. 1. Make room. By holding on to too much stuff, we are sending the silent signal to the universe that we are not ready to receive more goodness…

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

What does it mean to find joy in the process?

We are taught at such a young age to be outcome focused--winning the game, getting the grade, hitting our goal weight, buying our dream house--that AS A CULTURE we have collectively lost sight of feeling good about the baby steps it takes to get there.

Motivation and goal setting are wonderful, but it's ok the find real joy along the way...

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Uncovering Your Gifts to Make an Impact in the World

Does this sound familiar?

You feel called to do something greater than just collecting a paycheck, but, you're not exactly sure what that is. You've been told you're good at certain things, you like doing certain things, but you have an inkling that your purpose is something even bigger.

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Living on the Hyphen: Switching Careers but Maintaining Identity

I woke up this morning to find that Comstock's Magazine published my story about making the switch from full-time teacher, to full-time business owner. As many of you know, making the decision to leave the classroom and pursue this new career was not one that was easy to make.

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

11 Songs for a Prosperous New Year

I don't know about you, but when I need to motivate myself, I turn to music. I play it loud in my car. I sing at the top of my lungs. I dance in my kitchen. It sets my mood and keeps me in the zone.

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

What are you willing to weather for what you believe?

I often talk about our duty here on earth to be the light for others. That our lives matter most when we have impacted the humans around us for the better. To do this, to truly live this, takes courage. It takes massive amounts of vulnerability. What if we say or do something that offends someone? What if I end up being wrong? And then the refrain rises: What are we willing to weather for what we believe?

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

I'm Sorry

There are some amazing anecdotes for conflict resolution. Quite sadly, I can’t think of any of them when I receive an email I don’t like or argue with a friend. I’ve always loved the saying, “It is better to be happy than to be right”. And now, “love means saying you’re sorry” is one of my favorites!

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Making Friends Online

When’s the last time you met someone awesome online? I’d guess, yesterday? Or early this morning? Meeting awesome people online is what afforded me the opportunity to write this post and share it with you! The internet is a fantastic connector of people, but sometimes it can get a little...awkward. So how do you go about making friends online in the best possible way?

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Building Real Wealth

If we're honest with ourselves, we all love money. It can make life easier in many ways and at the same time more complicated. That's why it's important to also focus on increasing our wealth in ways that don't involve cash.

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Unique Ways to Give

Earlier this year, we published a fascinating article about love languages - if you look closely, the five love languages present a clever hack for gift-giving and complimenting our loved ones with special gestures. But there are many ways to get on top of your gift-giving if it’s something that means a lot to you or the people you care about. Here are three unique ways to give: Giving the unexpected: We all know somebody who will gift and do for everyone else...except themselves. While this is generous, noble, and very unselfish, even those who are caregivers by nature deserve...

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Going Back to School Later in Life

I adore this short clip on Youtube. In it, Betty Reilly, an 85-year-old woman shares her story of graduating college in her old age. Even though I’m several years younger, it’s extremely encouraging on those days when I’m not all that enamored by the thought of returning to school. Irrespective of your highest level of education, perhaps you doubt the idea of going back to school now that you’re older.

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Baby Steps and a Metaphor for Mindset.

My baby took his first steps yesterday. 😭 In the moment, I was so excited for him, I hugged and cuddled him and laughed as he laughed. But when he finally fell asleep and I laid my head on my pillow, I cried.

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

4 Ways You May Be Giving Away Your Power

What does it mean to stay in your personal power? It means that you don't let others decide for you how to think, act, or feel. It means that you get to stay in control of your own life. So much of our happiness hinges upon feeling like we have the freedom to make positive choices for our lives.

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

Why is receiving kindness so hard?

Yesterday, one of my oldest friends in the world came over to meet the baby for the first time while she and her husband were in town visiting her parents. Before she came over, she texted me: "We want to bring you dinner, so send me a few ideas of your favorite take out places…

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Melissa Camilleri Melissa Camilleri

36 questions to make you fall in love with anyone

Can we really fall in love with anyone we choose? You may have heard the adage: "When you truly know someone's story, it's impossible not to love them."I have experienced this countless times in my life-- from rascally students who got on my last nerve, to coworkers with PLENTY of personality quirks to dislike…

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