Don't Keep Your Day Job: An Interview with Melissa Camilleri
Don't Keep Your Day Job is one of the most inspiring podcasts out there.
Hostess, Cathy Heller, is a creative who spends each episode stoking the fires that reside in the hearts of her listeners.
She curates interviews with guests who tell their own stories of belief and faith and courage to find their purpose and serve the world using their unique set of gifts and talents.
I was a guest on Cathy's show and the episode is definitely one you're going to want to hear.
Connect to your why. Be clear on what you want to do besides the creation. Make it a vehicle for a larger purpose.
Build your community. Use every free channel you have. Talk to the people who you know will care.
Give authentic sentiments and compliments to other people. We gravitate to where we can receive encouragement.
People want to hear that they matter - but more importantly, WHY they matter.
Tell someone you love about a thing they do that doesn’t always get praised, but it still really awesome.
You don’t need 50 billion followers. You only need a handful of followers that really care about your gift to them.
Engage your community. Leave a compliment and a question.
You matter, you matter, you matter.
Even if someone else is already out there doing your thing, you’re here for a reason. You have your own unique story.
What breaks your heart so much...that you will actually do something about it? That is your purpose.